Friday, January 1, 2010

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

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Last year our church started a mission called "Obey '09" where each church member wrote down a certain amount of service hours they would commit to in the year of 2009. The hours were volunteering their time to impact the lives of others. There were many ways our church members used their volunteer hours.

*Traveling to another country on a mission trip to witness to others
*Vacation Bible School
*Olive Branch Food Pantry
*Local School Block Parties
*Volunteering in the Nursery
*Teaching a Bible Study Class
*Visiting the homeless
*Visiting old church members
*Witnessing to people at work, school, and in their neighborhood

I can not wait to see on Sunday the different ways our church, as a whole, were able to witness in 2009.

Our sermon last week (by Dr. James Stewart) was about the United States being our mission field. He said that the U.S. is the third largest mission field with China and India being 1st & 2nd. WOW!

It is all about stepping out of our comfort zones. I struggle BIG time in this area. It is very hard for me to walk up to a stranger and witness. However, there are different ways to witness!!

We are able to witness just by living a Christian life! We are able to witness by inviting others to church or helping someone in a time of need. We can use our spiritual gifts God blesses us with in order to witness (baking, cleaning, painting, singing, giving, etc).

I have a friend that struggled witnessing, so she decided to type up scripture verses and print them out. She walked around her neighborhood and taped them to her neighbor's doors trying to spread the word of God.

I plan to think of some ways to witness to people in 2010. I know it is going to be difficult stepping out of my comfort zone! I hope with a plan in mind and a goal (of service hours) I will be able to share the gospel. How about you?

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." (Genesis 12:2)

God may be trying to lead you to a place of greater service and usefulness for him. Don't let the comfort and security of your present position make you miss God's plan for you. (Life Application Study Bible, NIV)

I would like to share this video with you...

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